
27 August 2009

Healthy whopper girl

Well today was a check-up I have been looking forward to. We were able to have our last ultrasound and this girl is growing and doing well.
Ok, brack yourself....she's her daddy's child.....(drum roll please) Analie already weighs 7 lbs 6 oz! With 3 weeks still to go, she will make her debut into the world at approximately 8 lbs 14 oz!
I was so satisfied to find out that she's exactly in the position I thought - body on the right and legs and arms extending to my left side. She is still really far down (they've been saying this since the beginning, probably the source of my back pain) and has chubby cheeks. We see some resemblence to Marshall, but we'll just wait until she comes out to know for sure.
I would post the ultrasound pics, but the ones we received today aren't that great. I could barely make them out and I'm the mother for cryin' out loud - so, I doubt anyone else will know what they are looking at.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Praise God! She is definately her Daddy's daughter! can't wait to see her.